An Introduction to Mabon

Hello everyone!
Welcome to another blog. In this blog we will be discussing the Sabbat Mabon. If you have any creative ways that you celebrate Mabon, then please let us know in the comments!
Mabon is named after a Celtic sun god with the same name. Mabon is also known as the Autumn Equinox. Mabon is celebrated around the world by many different cultures. During medieval times many peasants celebrated the autumn equinox as the Feast of the Archangel Michael. September marks the Wine Moon, which is the perfect time for harvesting grapes. Early Pagans believed that grapes and wine were symbols of transformations and rebirth.
In Mythology, Mabon is the time when the God of Light was defeated by the God of Darkness which is what gave us longer nights. In British folklore, Mabon is associated with Herne the Hunter and marks the beginning of deer hunting season.
Mabon is all about celebrating reflection, grace and balance. The most popular symbols during Mabon are mid-autumn vegetables and fruits:
- Squash
- Eggplant
- Pumpkin
- Gourd
- Apples
- Crops
- Grapes/wine

In China Mabon falls on the moon’s birthday. Chinese people celebrate this time of year by harvesting rice and bake it into cakes to honour the moon who will grant them abundance.
In some English countries the Feast of St. Michael is observed on September 29th. Traditionally, a meal of goose is traditionally served on this day.
Many Pagans and Wiccans regard Mabon as a time to share their blessings with the less fortunate. A Mabon altar is set with the best produce and crops including apples, pears, rosehips, blackberries and other mid-altar fruits and vegetables. Mabon altars are usually decorated with seasonal colours of orange, red, yellow, gold and brown.
Some set up outdoor altars with three candles, a match, a wand, incense, bread and wine for an offering. Mabon is also celebrated through apple picking.
Mabon is one of the ancient feast days. Modern Pagans believe that all things with life revolve in a cyclical manner. Mabon is the second of the harvest festivals with Lughnasadh and Samhain being the first and last. In the Northern Hemisphere Mabon runs from September 21-29th.
How do you celebrate Mabon? We would be really interested to hear your unique ways to celebrate.
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Blessed Be!